On February 15, SOUR (formerly known as Eray/Carbajo) hosted the first of many Universal Design Workshops At Columbia University GSAPP’s think tank Studio X in Istanbul.
As the discussion around smart cities grow, we want to make sure nobody is left behind. We believe the future of cities need to be fully representative of all stakeholders and that it is possible to create the right infrastructure to do so. This can only happen, however, through a collaborative approach of many disciplines, and a unanimous approach of inclusivity.
Big or small, each effort towards inclusivity matters, and we are here to show that. Our goal, with this series is to start and develop the thought process around inclusive businesses and ultimately a society, for people of all abilities.
Despite the fact that universal design doesn’t seem to be on the immediate agenda of Istanbul, we received overwhelming positive feedback for the first workshop, showing us the rising interest in the matter. At our first gathering, we worked on creating awareness on the matter and and generating a cross- sectoral discussion by inviting people representing different fields and interests.
We were excited to be joined by: Vestel, Istanbul Bilgi University, Dr. Cem Kinay, Trak, Jacob de Baan Design, Masraff, Tohum Otizm and Turkiye Spastik Cocuklari Vakfi.