38 - How to have conversation about race ft. Dr. Lucretia Berry

August 26, 2020

Dr. Lucretia Berry is the founder of Brownicity - Many Hues, One Humanity ( brownicity.com ), an agency dedicated to advocacy, education, and support for racial healing and antiracism. She is a wife to Nathan, mother of three little girls, and a former college professor whose love for teaching led her to author What LIES Between Us: Fostering First Steps Towards Racial Healing, a journey guide designed specifically for ‘beginners.’  

She is the Anti-race/ism Curriculum Specialist for Community School of Davidson (NC), a contributor for (In)courage.me, a TEDx and Q Ideas speaker (Charlotte), and a Senior Consultant for Point Made Learning’s The American Dream Game.  Lucretia earned her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction and MA in English from Iowa State University, and her BA from South Carolina State University.

Mentioned in this episode:

Website: https://brownicity.com

Lucretia on Instagram: @lucretiaberry

Twitter: @brownicity

Brownicity on Instagram: @brownicity

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